Monday, February 6, 2012

Produce coupons??

One of the most common questions I get about my couponing is...

..........."Are there any coupons for produce or meat??"

Well, my usual response is that I use my overage to get those items or sometimes coupons that give you a discount, say, on orange juice for buying another product. But sometimes, there are actually coupons for fresh produce as well. (Um, yay!!!!)

Here are a few I've recently come across:

B1G1 Chiquita Avocados-- I believe these are on sale B1G1 at Publix, so if they are chiquita brand--they're free :) Just "like" their facebook page for the coupon.

Driscoll's Berries-- sign up for their email & receive a $0.50/1 any Driscoll's berry coupon. My local stores often carry Driscoll's strawberries & rasberries, so this could make a good discount there :)

Earthbound Farm
-- I wrote them an email, using their contact form & received an email containing a $5.00/1 coupon for any Earthbound Farm item-- easily possible to get a free deal out of this one :)

And, I just came across this one: Organic Girl $1/1-- Thanks, I Heart Publix!!

So, there ya have it. They do exist!

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